Does It Hurt to Get Hit by a Paintball?

Steven Miller
3 min readApr 20, 2020


There is a common question beginner asked before starting the paintball. Does paintball hurt? When you get hit by it. This is very simple. Yes, it hurts when you hit by the paintballs. But it depends on situations. If you want to avoid these kinds of hurts, then you must follow the bellow recommendation safety guards. This will help you to reduce the amount of pain you feel on the ground. As a beginner, I will recommend you use a cheap paintball gun for more risk-free games.

A Paintball Can Causes Bruises

It is very common for a paintballer that can be hit by a paintball any time during the game. You can feel a slight sting and similar on the arm. It is very difficult to notice it on game fields. Those pain are minor and they vanished quickly.

While most hits are unfortunate, a paintball can cause bruises and welts. Several damages depend on the speed of the paintball, the distance it travels, and which body parts it hits.

So, to avoid those damage and make the game more fun follow a few safety guards.

Protective Gear Helps Tremendously

How badly and deep a paintball hurt depends on what you wear as protection. If you are wearing regular jeans and t-shirts, it may causes bruises. Which can fade away within a few days? Besides, you can wear a sweatshirt or other thick clothes to protect your body from bruises. Some people wear protective vents. Though many of them don’t like it.

But professionals recommended using this besides other protective gear like a mask. If you feel comfortable and think you need that kind of protective gear then go PaintballDaves. They review much gear, especially on paintballs.

A Hit on Bare Skin Definitely Hurts

If a paintball hits on your bare skin, it defiantly hurts. However, you can avoid those hit wearing the right protective gear. Wear gloves to help you to protect your hands. Because it is a close part of your opponent. Alongside you can wear long sleeves this will protect your shoulder. Most importantly your face is a sensitive part of your body. You can protect it through a good quality paintball mask. Otherwise, you will start at high risk to lose your eyes.

Follow Safety Rules

Every paintball ground has its own safety rules and you have to obey it. On the ground to eliminate a player must be directly hit on their body or equipment. The paintball must break and leave a mark. When you hit you have to shout “I’m hit” or “I’m out” to avoid the unwanted hit. After that, you have to high your hand and leave the ground.

Overall, if you wear multilayer clothes or protective gear and the rules, then you can save yourself from hits and bruises. Simply gear and head up from the field to minimize the risk of getting hit. By obeying those simple rules and methods you can enjoy this great game and have a pain free time.



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